Sunday, July 22, 2012

Vacuum trainer.

What is the vacuum trainer, and what it eats? Is the vacuum simulator effective for weight loss? Try to understand.

Vacuum therapy is the impact on the human body rarefied air. Simply put, except that you move in a special chamber on your abdomen, buttocks, legs, operates the air pressure is below the normal ambient pressure.
As described by manufacturers, the use of vacuum simulator increases muscle tone and circulation, and as a result the skin becomes taut and smooth. Vacuum simulator enhances blood circulation and lymph flow in the deep layers of the subcutaneous tissue. This helps to improve metabolism and trophic tissue lipolysis, increased cell regeneration, speeding up the recovery processes in cells and tissues, and ensures the overall weight loss.
Visible results and weight loss, using vacuum simulators, reached after a month of training. Weight reduction is achieved in problem areas.
simulator does not require a vacuum much exercise for weight loss
weight loss occurs in the absence of muscle pain
Vacuum simulator is much more efficient conventional simulators (weight loss is faster)
Vacuum simulator also reduces cellulite.
If you want to have a vacuum machine in a personal use - rather cumbersome, and expensive - from $ 8,500.
Intensive training course on vacuum simulator: 20 lessons of 25 minutes, 4 times a week.
I do not know how true the effectiveness of vacuum simulators have not tried who tried - share experiences.

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